Peer reviewer training

Test your knowledge

Take the quiz to test your knowledge. Once you record a 100% score, you’ll be able to register your details to start working with one of our linked journals.

Which of the following are some of the benefits of being a peer reviewer?(Required)
Which of the following do you need before reviewing a manuscript?(Required)
Which of these is NOT a key responsibility of a peer reviewer?(Required)
In situations where the reviewer suspects there might be unethical behavior by the authors of the article, which of the following is the correct course of action?(Required)
When receiving an invitation to review which you are not sure you can fulfil, which is the correct course of action?(Required)
Reviewers need to check all aspects of an article, beyond the methodology and conclusions. With that in mind, which of the following statements is correct?(Required)
Reviewers need to make sure their report is useful to the Editor and the authors. With that in mind, which of the following statements is correct?(Required)
Is it permitted for a reviewer to recommend that authors cite their papers?(Required)