
Explore our events organized for those with editorial responsibilities

Browse our upcoming events

Explore our upcoming events and register your place at those that are relevant to you and your editorial responsibilities. For some of our upcoming events you may need to reach out to your T&F editorial contact to request the registration details.

11:00 BST | 15:30 IST | 6:00 EST

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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9:30 BST | 14:00 IST

This webinar will cover all the essentials of how to be an effective peer reviewer for researchers in all areas.

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6:30 AM BST | 11:00 IST | 15:30 AEST

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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11:00 BST | 15:30 IST | 10:00 UTC

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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9:30 BST | 14:00 IST

This webinar will cover all the essentials of how to be an effective peer reviewer for researchers in all areas.

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6:30 BST | 11:00 IST | 15:30 AEST

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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11:00 BST | 15:30 IST | 10:00 UTC

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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9:30 BST | 14:00 IST

This webinar will cover all the essentials of how to be an effective peer reviewer for researchers in all areas.

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5:30 BST | 11:00 IST | 15:30 AEST

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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10:00 GMT | 15:30 IST | 10:00 UTC

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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Complete our on-demand trainings

These trainings are all pre-recorded videos. You can complete them in your own time, whenever suits you best.

Jump to: Crossref Similarity Check training | Peer review modules

Submission site training

The Taylor & Francis Systems Support Team have developed submission site training. The training covers how to use Editorial Manager and ScholarOne manuscripts as editors and administrators. And it includes a series of videos on all stages of the peer review process, from submission to decision on papers.

Are you unsure which peer review system your journal uses, or do you have questions for us? Please contact us.

The videos can be used as a refresher for Editor-in-Chiefs or administrators on a site as we offer one-on-one training for these roles. Editors that manage a few submissions and focus on the peer review process do not require one-on-one training and can use the video tutorials. Examples of these roles include Associate Editor or Guest Editor. For information on how to request one-on-one training, please contact us.

Simply click on the ‘Go to training’ button below and you will be taken to the appropriate channel. All you need to do is enter your email address to access the videos.

The submission site training includes a series of videos including information on all stages of the peer review process, from submission to decision on papers.

The featured video shown at the top of each channel is a tutorial on the peer review process from inviting reviewers to decision making. Besides the featured video, we have a series of short videos so you can quickly get the information you need. We have numbered each of these videos if you would like to watch them in the order a paper goes through the system. These shorter videos are broken down into the following categories:

1. General information
This section contains videos on how to update your information, send emails in the system and an explanation of the different areas of the system. It is suitable for all roles in the site. 

2. Editor
This section contains instructions on how to use the different reviewer searches in the system, how to make a decision on a paper and notify the author. It is suitable for anyone that has an editor role in the journal, i.e Editor in Chief or Associate Editor.

3. Administrator

This section goes more in depth to administrative actions, including how to update a user’s information and exporting papers to the production department at Taylor & Francis. It is suitable for anyone with access to all papers in the system.

Editorial Manager

How to use the Editorial Manager peer review sites for Taylor and Francis journals.
Screenshot of Editorial Manager video training series.


How to use the ScholarOne platform for Taylor & Francis journals.
Screenshot of ScholarOne video training series.

Crossref Similarity Check training

If you are unable to attend the upcoming live events, you can play this informative recorded training video below. You will learn how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software on your journal.

Already familiar with Crossref? Feel free to use this video as a recap.

After watching this video, you can complete our Crossref Similarity Check Editor Training Quiz where you can request access to the Crossref Similarity Check resources. The resources include letter templates that may be useful when contacting authors. You will also have permissions enabled to access Crossref Similarity Check on your journal’s peer review site.

Peer review online training modules

We have developed a series of online training modules to support your peer review learning. In this series there are six short videos (they’re only 3-5 minutes each) and they can be accessed at any time. They are self-training modules that can be completed in addition to the peer review workshops.

Module 1

How to start peer review

Module 2

How do I start the peer review work?

Module 3
Critical assessment

Module 4
Assessing the research data

Module 5
FAQ – assessing the paper

Module 6
Assessing biomedical articles

Play back our past events

These events have already taken place. Have a look around and play back any that are relevant to you. For some of the events, you may need to request the recording details from your T&F editorial contact.

Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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Training for Editors on how to use the Crossref Similarity Check software, to screen papers for unoriginal material.

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This weeklong session looks at the different systems and processes used in the publication journey at T&F.

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An interactive workshop that will introduce new article and content types, and discuss the challenges that may be encountered.

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This session delivered information into some of the broad global research policy trends, and the potential implications of these trends for your journal.

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In this interactive workshop, we explored commissioning content for your journals.

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