An introduction to the Third Reviewer Model

Interview Pages

An introduction to the Third Reviewer Model

Below you can read the discussion with Dr. Robin Boylorn about the Third Reviewer Model, and the impact it has had on her journal so far. What is the Third Reviewer Model, and why did you decide to use it with your journal?  In the standard peer review process, the editor will find and contact […]

My role as a social media editor – one year on

The last time we interviewed Claire Sewell, she’d just been appointed to the role of social media editor for the journal New Review of Academic Librarianship. At that time, we wanted to find out about her new role and her hopes of creating an effective social media presence. A year on, we caught up with her to reflect […]

What does the social media editor of a journal do?

Graham Walton, Editor of New Review of Academic Librarianship, chose Claire Sewell as social media editor for his journal. We caught up with Claire to find out more about the role. How did she become a social media editor of an academic journal? Why did the journal decide to launch social media pages? And what does […]