Update to our guidance on preprint servers

The Taylor & Francis policy on preprints has recently been expanded to answer a question frequently asked by researchers: “can I submit my paper to a Taylor & Francis journal if it’s already been posted on a preprint server?”

We’re keen to emphasize that the answer to that question is “yes”, especially now that uploading a preprint has become a routine activity for researchers in many disciplines.

Posting of the Author’s Original Manuscript on a preprint server and subsequent acceptance by a peer-reviewed journal is not considered to be duplicate publication. We do however advise authors to add a note to their preprint once the paper has been published, to encourage readership and citations of the final Version of Record.

Details about this policy are included on a new page of the Author Services site, as well as in our guidance about sharing different article versions.

If you have any questions about this policy, please get in touch with your Editorial contact at Taylor & Francis.