Frequently asked questions

Before you review

In this FAQs section, you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on reviewing for a Taylor & Francis journal.

This page brings together questions you may need answers to before you review. There are more FAQ topics to explore during your review and after submitting your report.

How can I register my interest as a peer reviewer for a journal?

Please read how to become a peer reviewer and discover the different ways to get started as a reviewer.

I’d like to be a peer reviewer, but I don’t know if I’m fully equipped for the task. Do you offer any reviewer training? 

Yes. ‘Excellence in Peer Review: Taylor & Francis Reviewer Training Network’ supports researchers in becoming more effective peer reviewers. This training network aims to give clear practical advice to researchers to improve the quality of the reviews they provide, as well as introduce the key principles to those who are newer to the review process. The training program is delivered through in-person or online workshops.

Once you have been part of a workshop, participants who are experienced enough to become reviewers and those who would like further experience can be linked with journals within their subject area. All the workshops are free, and most events offer certificates to participants who complete the training. 

I have received an invitation to review, but my expertise only covers part of the study – should I still accept the invitation? 

Editors do not expect reviewers to be an expert on everything, and there are multiple reviewers involved in each submission. However, please let the editor know about any aspects you cannot cover, and mention in your report any parts of the work you are unable to verify. 

I have received an invitation to review, and I would like to accept, but can I request a longer deadline?  

Yes – please contact the Journals Helpdesk ([email protected]). They can set a longer deadline in the system, with the Editor’s approval.

I have received an invitation to re-review a manuscript, but I was not a reviewer on the previous version – was this a mistake? 

Editors will usually invite the original reviewers to look again at a revised manuscript. However, if an original reviewer is unavailable, or if expertise was missing in the first round of review, additional reviewers may be invited. You can seek clarification from the editor if you are unsure.

Can I recommend someone else to review?  

Yes, we welcome alternative reviewer recommendations from reviewers, at the Editor’s discretion. Please simply include your suggestions in your reply to the invitation to review, so that the Editor can consider your suggestions, and we thank you for your support. 

Can I forward the invitation to a colleague who might be interested to review?  

No, you should treat the invitation as confidential. Instead, please recommend the colleague to the journal editor by replying to your invitation to review.

What does a single anonymous review mean?  

Single-anonymous review is when the reviewer names are not disclosed to the author. 

What does a double anonymous review mean?  

Double-anonymous review is when the identity of the reviewers and the authors aren’t disclosed.

What does an open review mean?   

In an open review, both the author’s and reviewer’s names are disclosed (the timing of this disclosure may vary). 

What does a post-publication open review mean?   

In a post-publication open review, readers and reviewers can post comments, mediated by the editor, after publication. 

What is the most common type of peer review?   

Single- and double-anonymous reviews are the most common methods of peer review. Learn more about the different types of peer review.  

I have received an invitation to review; if I accept, how will I be paid/rewarded?   

The rewards and recognition offered vary depending on the journal, and may include published thank-you lists, access to subscription content, and other discounts. We are very grateful for the work of reviewers, and we continually update our rewards, as well as seeking feedback on this via our reviewer survey.

I received an invitation to review but I’ve never registered to the journal. Please can you remove my account from the system?

Please contact the Journals Helpdesk ([email protected]) they will remove your details in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

I don’t want to receive any further invitations to review from this journal, what should I do?

Please contact the Journals Helpdesk ([email protected]) who will see that your details are removed in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We thank you for reviewing and hope you were able to enjoy the benefits of peer review for your career.

Can I see the full paper before agreeing to review? 

To safeguard the confidentiality of those papers submitted to our journals, we do not send reviewers copies of complete manuscripts prior to their agreeing to review the paper in question.

We understand that this can cause some frustration for reviewers, particularly given that they must decide whether to review this manuscript based upon an abstract alone, but we hold a duty to authors to safeguard their research whilst it is under review.

I still have questions

Please read our extensive frequently asked questions for answers to common questions on reviewing a manuscript.

FAQs during review

FAQs after submitting your report